Collaborations and solo web projects by Brian Mendoza

Screen Printing Websites
Each of these websites has been carefully collaborated with each individual shop's vision and optimized to convert more visitors into leads.
Olive Branch Growth Instant Quote
Our latest and greatest web asset, the instant quote is finally here, see for yourself how simple getting pricing can be.
Save yourself valuable hours every week by sending interested clients this easy to use page that can be tailored specifically to your shops pricing formula.
Earthbound Inc.
This webiste is a prime example of a customer who knew what he wanted and represents our very best collaborative efforts.
Nyle is a true professional and his shop in Grand Rapids is already seeing rapid growth from this stimulating and interative website that tells his shops story perfectly.
Pine Print Shop
Pine was my first screen printing website I worked on.
Pine's owner Garrett was an incredible design mentor durring this build, his graphic design is amazing and it's one of the many reasons I love collaborating with screen printers.
Together we builtout a landing page for bandanas that currrently ranks in the top five on Google for it's intended keywords.
It directs to an interactive order form we created to be able to immediately quote inbound leads converting at 10% of visitors to leads.
Upstate Merch
Dylan is a host of the Shirt Show Podcast and a pillar of the screen printing industry.
Working with him on a few different projects indcluding a DTC clothing brand has been an absolute blast.
Dylan and are kindred spirits and share a results driven go fast attitude that has made him my longest standing client, and the one I share the most laughs with.
His screen printing quote request form is some of my best work and sees incredible revenue driven through it every week from paid ads and his magetic brand he's honed over the years in Upstate New York & beyond
Mckenzie & Co.
Mckenzie and Co is a second generation print shop in Oklahoma City run by true artists Blaze and Laal.
They have played a huge role in getting this project perfectly expressive of their shops story and aesthetic.
I am extremely grateful to be able to work with them to create such a specific vision.
This project undoubtably made me a better web designer.
456 Print Co,
456 Print Co. is a fast and fun shop in Knoxville that prints a bunch of shirts for motorcycle clubs and brands.
Travis is a thrill seeking shop owner who had a bunch of rad content to work with that we were able to really bring to life with some animations you absolutely have to check out.
We had a ton of fun with this project and got to use some moving featues that will definitely be a part of future websites moving forward.
Belleville Screen
This astronaut space themed website is so much fun to interact with. We were able to use scroll triggers along a path to allow visitors to play with bellevilles astoman mascot to create a one of a kind UX that doesn't disspaoint.
Ryan and Eric have been a blast to work with and I can't wait to work on building a sticker empire with them next.
Syndicate Screen Print Co.
Navid is the humle and incredible owner an oppoerator of Syndicate Screen Print Co. He's become a friend, aswell as an inspiration on what a screen print shop can be.
His new website allows him to sell and scale his countless collaborative projects by leveraging pre-orders and storefronts where Syndicate can create incredible cashlow and fufil orders seamlessly.
His had so much brand identity to run with that this is one of those websites that just came together effortlessly for our team.
Huge thanks to Chris Lunsford & Trevor Erpelding for helping me bring Mr. Tee and Mr. Bee to life on this page.
Ecommerce Websites
New York Tee Company
NYT Co was my first project with Dylan of Upstate Merch. Dylan and Garrett had met through the Shirt Show Podcast and Garrett refered me to a DTC outdoor Upstate NY tees shirt project Dylan had mentioned that was in fact right up my alley.
Dylan and I have had a blast running this DTC brand together. We both love hiking and bigfoot and exploring the old roads in the northeastern autum.
This is a passion project for both of us that grew into a great collaborative relationship where we work together on his screen printing buisness, and another secret project in the works.
Whiskey Stone Shop
The Whiskey Stone Shop was a massive ecommerce brand I built from scratch durring the pandemic.
I managed to sell people actual rocks at a small profit for a few months and leveraged that momentum into unique ice molds, fancy whiskey glasses, and finally intricate whiskey dispensers and decanters that ammaessed hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales in a single year.
I wish this website was still live due to the thousands of hours I poured into it over two full years.
But when I exited this company, the people I sold it to treated it like a hobby and no longer pay for the hosting.
Zen Sense
Zen Sense is an ecom project of mine where I sell a small collection of products that aims to help people with mindfullness.
Incense and other ancient tools for creating tranquil environments have played a big role in my growth, and Zen Sense is a part of my desire and effort to help people find tools and reminders to create healthy place for themselves to mediate and recharge their spirits.
I seee this company as a healthier, more positive, and contributive incarnation of the Whiskey Stone Shop.
Teddys For Change
Teddys for change is where my web design story starts. In January of 2020 before the rest of the world was on fire, the Austrailan Outback was actually on fire.
Devested by the videos of scorched koalas, I started a company to help raise money for a koala hospital in Port Maquarie by selling Koala teddy bears for valentines day.
I made my first shopify website, and purchased some inexpensive shoutouts on some koala pages on instagram that went nuclear viral and generated 10k in sales overnight and subsequently fostered a lot of displaced koalas.
Covid shut down all shipping lines from the koala teddy factories in china on day 3 of this young company, a much younger Brian shut down his favorite company three days after what remains the single best revenue day for any of my companies.
Having new skills that made a differnce changed my life and ultimately lead me to returning to using my skills to help others, currently the American Screen Printer, one of the last bastions in American manufacturing.