Olive Branch Extensions

Olive Branch Extensions

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Olive branch extensions is a program that leverages our in-house sales team to extend olive branches on behalf of our clients via outbound tactics including, cold email, cold calls, and social media outreach. Our in-house sales team of young professionals is personable, dynamic, and funny enough to make a first impression for your company that will serve as a foundation of rapport so your shop can build long-standing relationships. 


Your shop is surrounded by customers that you’d love to work with. Still, it seems like screen printing shops are hesitant to reach out to them, at least enough to generate consistent outbound sales in their ideal industry where their passions meet their unique skills and drive profitability.


We’ll help you find the industries to focus on, and the people within that niche who are waiting for someone like you who is passionate and has the focus and understanding to help them create something special. 



Our incredible sales team is full of local young professionals in Colorado who are articulate, funny, and knowledgeable about screen printing. They are ready willing and able to hand off hot leads to your shop, or price and close jobs directly into your calendar.


We’ll assign you one of our sales reps that you’ll build a relationship with and train to understand your company's ideal clients and their specific wants and needs. 


BILLY: Billy is Olive Branches VP of sales and trains all our junior sales reps on how to build rapport and relationships from a cold call. You can be the coldest angriest dial of the day, and Billy can still get a laugh out of you.  We instill this in all our SDRs by writing conversational scripts, having jokes and laughs as part of the conversations, and ensuring our tone is natural, personable, and enthusiastic. Billy loves live music, a competitive game of pool or chess, and calling whoever pops into his mind for a quick chat. 


NOAH: Noah is a natural-born sales rep whose strength lies in his volume and focus. Noah is great at finding the diamond in the rough, the perfect client who’s been needing shirts or other services forever, but hasn’t been able to find the time or the person they trust to execute the idea that’s been inside their brain for months. Noah loves sports, having a great meal at a restaurant, and getting a great lift in at the gym. 


TREVOR: Trevor is our Swiss army knife, he’s a graphic designer at heart and is a friendly by-book salesman who is excellent at writing cold emails, warming up hundreds of leads at once, and generating opportunities with swift savvy custom logos that load up value, and calling the very best leads with the most leverage, he’s a true spear fisherman of the sales world who’s an expert at chumming the waters and creating opportunities for himself to capitalize on. Trevor loves collaborating with clothing brands, learning new design tools, and quietly outworking everyone with his high IQ leverage. 


BRIAN: I’m Brian the founder of Olive Branch Growth, and I’m by no means afraid of getting down and dirty on the phones for clients I love. I’m falling in love with sales more and more by the day. I believe everyone has a life task they are born to figure out in this incarnation. I seem to have a power in me for positive change that has been difficult at times to find to speak up and share with others. Sales has afforded me the skills to approach incredible people and build beautiful things with them that I in the past would have shied away from. I truly value the reps of outbound sales that truly build charisma and incredible relationships. I love live music, the Grateful Dead, collaborating with awesome entrepreneurs, and a great graphic tee shirt. 


Our team is thriving and growing, and word is spreading about our fun culture teaching hungry young 20s professionals all the skills and life lessons they need to read and hear to reach their full potential personally and professionally. I am incredibly proud of all our growth journeys.


We are attracting so much sales talent in our network that is eager to sell in an incredible culture where they can collaborate in creative spaces with creative businesses and entrepreneurs found in apparel printing, rather than sell insurance from drab cubicles. 



Our first offering as a company was incredible websites filled with profitable Google Ads, which have been valuable tools for over a dozen shops. However, most of the capital to acquire the leads ends up in the hands of Google Inc. 


When we started in outbound sales, we saw an opportunity for an even more personal customer experience that financially benefited actual humans for the relationships they were building rather than a top 5 corporation on earth. 


Our average client was paying Google $2000 a month and paying us 1,000 to manage the campaigns generating between 4-8 new clients a month.


We were able to generate the same amount of warm leads by spending that money on local talent instead and the people were far easier to get a hold of after speaking to an awesome sales rep.


100 calls + 100 emails a week - $1,500 Monthly - 10% Commission 

200 a week + 200 emails a week - $3,000 Monthly - 10% Commission 

300 a week + 300 emails a week - $4,500  Monthly - 10% Commission


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