Pine Print Shop Case Study

Pine was a medium sized shop renting a smaller space in Old Town, Fort Collins. They had been been relying on word of mouth and their stellar Google reviews to garner enough business to keep their single press spinning consistently enough to slowly grow year after year.

However rent in Old Town is expensive and they were close to outgrowing their 5 year home.

The owner Garrett had his sights set on purchasing a larger building further from town with room for a second press, that would more than double production capacity.

This big jump always seemed too risky without year round consistency needed sustain the new equipment and mortgage payments to keep both printing presses spinning once we moved.

During my first two weeks, I built Garrett a Google ads campaign specifically targeted at people actively searching our most specialized garment, bandanas. 

This campaign funneled into a custom built, informative, and interactive sales funnel where, customers could select which colors they wanted, how many bandanas they wanted, upload artwork, and make a purchase right then and there online based on their responses.

It was extremely effective and profitable almost immediately. The leads poured in, customers were having fun and getting what they needed, and our schedule quickly filled up.

We started acquiring customers for less and less ad spend as I optimized the funnel. Referrals poured in, social media collaboration opportunities poured in, and we saw our cost per click and cost per acquisition both plummet to 1$CPC and $50 cost per customer acquisition with an average order bringing in $1,400.

The return on every one dollar we spent was 27x.

In the month of April, we did 250% more in sales he had the year prior.

My second month, Garrett saw everything he needed to see and more to buy a building more than double the size, a second press, a bigger dryer, an embroidery machine, and hired an in shop artist. 90 days after I started he had predictable customer acquisition and completely mitigated the risk of investing in infrastructure.

At the end of 90 days things were so busy that we were turning away business left and right, the website looked amazing, the social media had grown significantly and our maximum production capacity left me out of work to do. 

Garrett referred me to another printer Dylan, and my word of my work seeing so much success in this space spread others to the point where it made sense to move from a solo contractor to a digital marketing and web design growth agency in the screen printing space.

We have decided to only take on one client per city/state as to keep these strategies from competing against themselves within markets.  Feel free to reach out to us to learn more about what we do and to see if there is still space in your area to operate in. 

Text me at 8608858025 for some free game and an introduction.

Let's be at least be friends and maybe It makes sense for me to be your secret weapon as-well.

-Brian Mendoza


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